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It had started as a fantasy. A daring little tease for each other. The appealing idea of youthful adventure: running away for a romantic meet-up in New Orleans. Joey was a twenty-two-year-old Navy man; Alben, a sixteen-year-old Oklahoma beauty, (sixteen going on thirty-three), the daughter of a bank vice-president. The girl has dreams of being a movie star, on the silver screen. They had even picked a date: January 20, 1949. Neither had given a single thought to the fact, that that was the very day Alben’s great-uncle Alben, for whom she was named, was being sworn in as Harry Truman’s vice-president. Adventure is commenced! Then! The teenage girl arrives in New Orleans. There is no Joey there to greet her as she steps off the train.
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Corrina Elgin, at twenty-two, was a happy spring bride in May, 1963. Her happiness lasted for ten days... then she made a shocking discovery that triggered a violent response by her husband. Fearing for her life, she escaped on board MKT’s top streamliner, the Texas Special heading for the “Big D.” Months before Lee Harvey Oswald would kill President John Kennedy and Jack Ruby would kill Oswald, Corrina landed a job in a Dallas nightspot, the “Carousel Club” owned by Jack Ruby. That job put her at an intersection with monumental historic events and threatened her very life.
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It was the murder case, but more specifically the train trip that changed Jed Easton's life forever: One day before The Election, 1948. He saw her twenty yards away, waiting to board the Santa Fe Chief-eye-catching, astounding good looks... Then-a moment frozen in time! A gust of wind came barreling down the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, and the full skirt of the young lady's silky dress was everywhere except-where it was supposed to be. A classic pin-up pose in real life and real time. Could this ravishing redhead ever be his? Anything is possible. After all, mere hours from now, this lowly assistant D.A. would astonishingly find himself in the presence of the victorious Harry S Truman-President of the United States!